Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Booty in the City © ( Nov 5th)

Okay... This will be a special my special little segment to this blog, and I had this in mind for a hot minute, because (almost) 95% of the time while Im outside (I know other males can agree with me on this) I be looking if shorty got a fatty or not !... I in New York City there is plenty of fatties to peep all day...So why not share what my eyes see every now and then.
So here goes the first one out.
This was spotted on the Myrtle Ave/Broadway J Train Platform @ 10:56am

Shorty was spanish to...aiiii...

Dont jock my shit now either, cause I will find you and serve you...Brooklyn style baby !!

// Leche Love Culo...




Anonymous said...

Goodie..... Need to get a new camera phone.....