Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dont trust them....(more)

To further elaborate my paranoid friend (Denzel Stacks), here is a picture of how to "put them on your head"... so they wont read your mind...lmao (image is taken from the movie Signs, starring Mel Gibson)

so if you see a nigga walking around with something like that on his head... most likely its my dear friend Mr Discombobulated a.k.a. Denz Stacks....
-And Denz, dont worry about Plaid Shorts... I'll hold it down, u dunno....
// Leche Light

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, those ones block out the alien raadio signals, different category.
Its not " Don't trust em", tts " We are not alone".
Obviously Milk thinks this is all fun and games... Silly Camel